I let myself have a brownie today. :-/ I don't care, I'll work it off tomorrow. One more day on phase 1, then I need to get my butt in gear with exercise.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Once More With Feeling
It's on like Donkey Kong! (what does that even mean?!)
I've decided I'm ready to get back into my old clothes. I'm sick of not having a wardrobe and I'm NOT buying more clothes. So it's time to get serious! I mean really serious! Diet and exercise are now top priority...well as top as they can be with all I have going on.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Back to 1
*sigh* Phase 1 again, the weight has been creeping back on and it's time to get serious.
Too much vacationing and Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs and not enough running.
So here we go again.
P.S. For extra motivation I'm going to remember how 2 different people asked me if I was pregnant the last 2 Sundays. And I'm going to forget about the fact that neither of these people are the sharpest tools in the shed to start with.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
K's Playlist
Here's my 30 minute play list
- Love is a Fast Song- Copeland
- Super Massive Black Hole- Muse
- Shake and Shout- Stereo Skyline
- Christian's Inferno- Green Day
- Big Casino- Jimmy Eat World
- Miss Murder- AFI
- Won't Back Down- Fuel
- Heartbeat- Stereo Skyline
- Crushcrushcrush- Paramore
I like harder stuff for working out because it keeps me pumped!
What's on your playlist?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Went running Thursday and today!
I was slow, but I made it and I'm happy I went!
My running hiadus has made me forget some of my little tricks
- Chew gum to help with dry mouth
- Make sure iPod is fully charged so it doesn't die half way through your run.
- Stretch before and AFTER (holy sore legs!)
- Wear gloves when the temperature is 30°
- Find some new running music to pump you up!
Monday, February 21, 2011
New Plan...AGAIN!
I've been x-country skiing the last few days. It' actually been pretty fun! I'm SOOOOO ready for spring! We had a february thaw last week and it was glorious! Now it's back to 10°, WAH!!! I so so so can't wait to get back to running. It's my FAVORITE!!! Hopefully the skiing helps me to get semi back into shape. I've gotta do something, I can't bring myself to do workout DVD's this time. I'm sick of being cooped up inside!
I'm contemplating giving up artificial sweetener (except for coffee creamer). I'm not sure I can do it, I'm thinking of replacing it with fruit. The question is can I actually do it?!? I've gotta think long and hard about it.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Dear flabby lazy under-worked muscles,
I'm not listening!!!!
Dear People of Richland,
I know you've got places to go and people to see. But could you try slowing down a smidge when you pass a pedestrian! Thanks so much.
Dear Girl with the totally coordinated outfit at the gym,
You're telling me 2 things 1.) You're only here to be seen and it's trendy. 2.) You won't still be here come April when your resolution wears off.
Dear Guy trying to pick up girls at the gym,
last but not least
Dear January,
How about we let the sun come out and dry up all the roads!?! Cause I really love me some outdoor running!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Weekly Picture
I've decided to start adding a weekly picture, for motivation.
Yikes! Well I guess it's fitting that the first picture is SCARY!
I'm going running today again for the first time! So here's goes nothin'!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Back to the Drawing Board.
I'm on day 3 of South Beach Phase 1....again :-(
The sweets cravings are starting to subside at least... they've been brutal this time.
I've lost 4 lbs so far so at least I have that for motivation to continue. I haven't done a single thing for exercise though, one thing at a time I suppose.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Okay, so my breastfeeding days are quickly coming to a close. Which means full force South Beachin' is in the VERY near future (I think I'm going back on phase 1 next week). It's kind of annoying because I've lost focus really quickly this time and I've watched the scale go back up. It just doesn't seem right that you can be so careful for MONTHS and then not be for a few weeks and BAM! all your hard work is gone. SHEESH!
I gave up my bonding (nursing) time with my daughter to be skinny (and I'm not too happy about it) so I better not let it go to waste. I've got to get moving and I BETTER see results!
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