Wednesday, April 11, 2012

You'll Notice:

..I don't post stuff if I'm not making progress. It's an annoying little habit I have. I still weighed in, but it wasn't pretty. That Easter ham really showed. Oh well, what can I expect when I cheat?!

Today I went for a run by myself, it was fun and my time was pretty good. But my legs hurt and I was wearing my old sneakers because it was muddy and they made my toes fall asleep (that can't be good!).
I have this crazy idea that I think I might try running from my house to my parents' either this Monday or next Monday. I think I'm up to challenge. I'd make it there eventually, right?! My plan is to leave a hour before Marc and go the route he would take then he can pick me up if I can't make it. Hm....I'd definitely be pushing myself, which I've been wanting to do. I think I'm going to make it happen!

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